
My Big Fat (Hopefully Not So Fat) Greek Wedding: A Bride's Quest for Dress-Size Domination

I wanted a sustainable, healthy approach that would leave me feeling energized and vibrant, not depleted and stressed. So, I embarked on a journey to create a bridal body plan that focused on holistic wellness. Here's what I've incorporated...
Olivia Harrison 6 min read
My Big Fat (Hopefully Not So Fat) Greek Wedding: A Bride's Quest for Dress-Size Domination
My big fat Greek wedding

Hello, Vibrant Living followers. Susan from Kentucky approached me and shared a story that made me jump and giggle like a little girl after a sugar rush session in an unattended candy store!

I will tell you her story in first person to keep Susan's privacy within the fence of what we agreed, but keep in mind that it's not me getting married (yet!), although after seeing the dress, I might have to speed things up! ⬆️

A wave of excitement washed over me when I said "yes" to the dress. It was perfect - elegant, timeless, and everything I'd ever dreamed of. But as the initial euphoria subsided, a tiny seed of doubt crept in. The dress was a size smaller than my current size, and suddenly, my focus shifted from wedding planning to wedding weight loss.

Supplements - Vibrant Body System
Adaptogens (herbs): Help your body adjust to stress. B Vitamins: Support energy and mood, linked to stress reduction. Magnesium: Promotes relaxation and sleep, good for stress management. L-theanine (green tea): Relaxes without drowsiness.

I knew I wanted to look and feel my absolute best on my big day, not just for the photos, but for myself. I wanted to radiate confidence and joy as I walked down the aisle, and I knew that achieving my weight loss goal would play a big part in that.

Take a look, and in doubt, contact Dr. Emi

However, I also knew that crash diets and extreme measures were not the answer. I wanted a sustainable, healthy approach that would leave me feeling energized and vibrant, not depleted and stressed. So, I embarked on a journey to create a bridal body plan that focused on holistic wellness. Here's what I've incorporated:


Mediterranean Mama: I'm channeling my inner Greek goddess by embracing the Mediterranean diet. Think fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats like olive oil. It's delicious, nutritious, and perfect for fueling my wedding planning adventures.

Portion Distortion: I've become BFFs with my measuring cups and spoons. Portion control is key, and I'm learning to appreciate the power of a satisfying, balanced plate.

Hydration Hero: Water is my new best friend. I'm staying hydrated like it's my job, which helps me feel energized, keeps my skin glowing, and even curbs those pesky cravings.

Belly Bulge Blues Managing Weight Gain
Understand the metabolic changes in menopause and discover effective strategies for healthy weight management through diet and exercise.


Multivitamin: My daily dose of vitamins and minerals ensures my body is functioning at its best. It's like a power-up for my immune system and overall health.

Protein Powerhouse: After breaking a sweat, I whip up a protein-packed smoothie or shake. This helps my muscles recover and keeps me feeling full and fabulous.

Fiber Fiesta: Fiber is the unsung hero of weight loss. It keeps me feeling full longer and helps with digestion. No bloating on my watch!

Revolutionize Your Gut Health: Unlock Wellbeing for Lifelong Vibrancy
realized that many aspects of modern life – from stress to processed foods – can disrupt our gut microbiome, leading to a whole host of issues. It’s no wonder that I, like others, often felt less than my best.


Cardio Queen: I'm getting my heart rate up with cardio exercises like dancing (hello, Zumba!), swimming, and brisk walking. It's a fun way to burn calories and boost my mood.

Strength and Sculpt: I'm not afraid to lift some weights! Strength training helps me build muscle, which increases my metabolism and helps me sculpt a toned physique.


Self-Love Siren: I'm learning to love and appreciate my body for all it does. I'm focusing on progress, not perfection, and celebrating every step of the way.

Positive Affirmations: I'm my own biggest cheerleader! Positive affirmations help me stay motivated and remind myself that I'm capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

Stress Slayer: Wedding planning can be stressful, but I'm not letting it sabotage my goals. Meditation, deep breathing, and spending time in nature are my go-to stress-busting techniques.

Stress - Vibrant Body System
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension caused by a demanding or threatening situation. It’s the body’s natural response to challenges and helps us prepare to fight or flee danger. However, chronic stress can have negative impacts on our physical and mental health.

Oliva's Fun Facts:

• Did you know that the average wedding dress takes 6-8 months to be made? That's a lot of time to get my bridal body in gear!

• The tradition of wearing a white wedding dress dates back to the Victorian era. Queen Victoria started the trend in 1840, and it's been going strong ever since.

• On average, brides try on 7-10 dresses before finding "the one." I found mine on the third try - talk about efficient!

Here is a markdown table showing the estimated number of people of Greek ancestry living in the state of Kentucky:

State Population (2021 estimate) Population of Greek Descent
Kentucky 4,505,836 6,337

From Susan

I reached out to Olivia via Facebook Messenger. At first I was between what am I doing and "this is crazy" type of feeling. Then, after a few back and forth, we realized that communications would have been a lot faster if we had hoped on a video call. By the end of the week, it was pretty clear that Dr. Emi could have put in place "the plan" that I knew I needed but wasn't sure how to tackle all the things in the correct order. After the first call, I was, "Why didn't I do this six months ago!!"
Take a look, and in doubt, contact Dr. Emi

The Final Joke:

So, here's to my bridal body journey! I'm excited to see the results of my hard work and dedication, but even if I don't reach my exact weight loss goal, I know one thing for sure:

I'll be walking down the aisle with a smile on my face and love in my heart. And hey, if all else fails, I can always bribe the seamstress with extra cake!

P.S.: Remember, ladies, it's not about the size of the dress, it's about the size of the love you have for yourself and your partner. Now, excuse me while I go practice my Zorba moves!

I hope you enjoyed the article and the value I am trying to provide if you have special requests or want to say HI, you know how to find me 🙋, till then stay Vibrant!

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